Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love and Happiness on Respect! :)

My topic was on Respect for all of my blogs, blogging about respect and reading over all my information, has really showed me, how to respect people more.  Life is what you make it, so thats exactly what I'm doing. I have, realize what causes problems in my life and I now watch the way I talk to my friends, and family. Doing these blogging assignments, I can truly say from the bottom of my heart that it has helped through problems that I have had with my best friends, and parents, teachers. I would be a huge hyprocrit, by talking about and blogging about respect, if i actually didn't do it. Now, I have slipped and said some things to people and been disrespectful. I have to watch the way I talk to people and work on being more nicer. I also learned, as which I blogged about being respectful to my love ones and people that care about me, and show that they are important. Another important, information that I blogged about was about being in relationships and respecting. The key factors on that is Love, trust, respect. I say that because if you dont respect your girlfriend or boyfriend, you cant really be in a relationship. For example, me being in a relationship with my boyfriend, I didnt respect him as much as did in the begining because he hurt me so bad that I had to gain respect in him after awhile. Which was not good on my part because they were always harsh words said and never really cared about each others feelings because we didnt respect each other. Now when I did the blog with the interview questions, on my sister I got her opinion on how she felt on respect, and interviewing other people and learning how they feel about certain things, makes me open up to other people, which I never did before. Everyday I which I can rewind time for the people that I hurt and said hurtful things to wish can go back to them and change what I said or apologize for things, but I cant go all my life, regreting on things, all I can do is look back at the past, and worry about the future. We all worry about what's going to happen in the future, but we never sit down and worry about whats in front of us. To be honest, when we first did our first blog I was stuck and didnt know what to write about to even start off with a subject. So when I came up with blogging about respect, it popped in my mind that it wouldnt be as hard. Now some blogs were a little confusing and I couldnt come up with a decision on what to write, I narrowed things down, and then got to writing. I review as in a problem to inhale & exhale. Some makes you mad, inhale, and let all the anger inside of your body, and then exhale with a response that you feel comfortable, and that is respectful, and leave them with them with a surprising look on your face because your the better person!

1 comment:

  1. Love and happiness goes hand and hand !*having love and trst is also a key factor in having respect for someone also !*
    Marvelous job
