Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Respect is something that should always be on your side.

I'm reading a book called something on the side, it has a whole bunch of characters who need to get there selves in check with one another. This book is an overview of my whole lesson on respect. Something on the side: Eygpt has a sister, and her name is Isis..they are always together all the time and they tell each other everything. Eygpt has a better good life and is in a serious relationship with her signifcant lover. She has an ex boyfriend that loves her to death and is basically obessed with her. Eygpt boyfriend starts a fight with her ex boyfriend, Tony, and then months pass and then came to find out that. Isis and her ex-boyfriend are dating. My opinion on this book relates to respect because, first off they are suppose to be sisters and then you don't have respect for one another to do something like that.(Weber, Feburary 28). My other reason is that fighting doesn't solve anything. That problem could have been avoided by them talking things out and not resulting in a fight. If they had more respect for each other they, would have been okay. As I said in my last blog respect gets you out of situations when you are the bigger person and you overlook childlish things, and you gain more respect for yourself. Gaining more respect for yourself and, other peole then there shall be no problem. Back to, the book and the sisters Eygpt and Isis, they dont have respect for one another because, shes willing to take her sisters ex-boyfriends man and then rub it in her face. That's conveing and disrespectful. She didn't have to go up to her and yell in her face about her doing things like that. Everybody has to evaulate thereselves and analyze before they say anything to anyone.


  1. I agree with this because in every situation i think you show show respect to the person.

  2. I agree girl with your quote because it is really true. I read this book also and it spoke to me in a way that no book has ever done. Respect is something that should always be on your side and without that you have nothing.

  3. Thank you, I hope you guys reading this blog will help you guys understand what respect really is..and how things can be prevented by follwing my ways
