Tuesday, March 15, 2011

R.E.S.P.E.C.T ; find out what it means to you! ; interview questions

As respect is a big factor in today's world. People have been disrespected and have respected other people, but we the people have to determine whether to be the bigger person or not. We have to determine whether the outcome will be good or not, if we respect when another in a confronation, a simple question, in a normal conversation. Respecting your boss, can keep you the job in any circumstance or any situation. I decided to interview, my sister and see what she thinks about the value of respect and how she feels on certain reasons.

1. Q: How do you respect other people?
    A: Brittany said she doesn't interupt people when they are talking and cares about other people's feelings

2.  Q: Do you think being respectful can get you far in life?
     A: Brittany said yes, because makes you more successful

3. Q: Can being respectful prevent arguments
    A: Brittany said, yes because you can show a person how you really feel without yelling or being mean.

4. Q:Do you think showing others, your respectful is good?
    A: Brittany said yes because people can look at you different because they respect you.

5.  Q:Do you respect others?
     A: Brittany said yes, because I would want others to respect me.

6. Q: What are your outlooks on respect?
    A: Brittany said, my outlooks on respect is that, as long as I respect others and they respect me, then everything should be fine.

7. Q: How does it feel when others show you respect?
    A: Brittany said, I feel good inside, because I'm being nice to other people.

8. Q: When others disrespect you, what do you do?
    A: Brittany said, when others disrespect me, I still keep my cool, and proceed on with my day and ignore them.

9. Q: Is respect a great value on yourself?
    A: Brittany said, yes because respect is all in me.

10. Q: Answering these questions, does this help you understand respect more?
      A: Brittany said, yes because she was never asked these question that help express and evaulate about respect.

Interviewing my sister, actually helped her ownself, realize what others feel and say about respecting themselves and her ownself. Interviewing her, made me question my ownself.


  1. I do agree because being respectful can take you a long way. I Believe that if you are respectful to others that you will get the same responds from that person, and you will be more successful in life.

  2. I agree with what you are saying, and makes things alot easier on yourself and other people.

  3. I do agree because being respectful can take you a long way. I Believe that if you are respectful to others that you will get the same responds from that person, and you will be more successful in life.

  4. Delvin, for the first time, you actually made since. I appericate that..and I respect you guys
